Staalsy has made A LOT of progress in the last two days. He also made a huge mess in my room by knocking over my full cup of red koolaid. I turned my head for five seconds and blam; Koolaid EVERYWHERE!
I went to get his medicine last night and left my door open. When I returned, he'd left the room. I called for him and heard a meow from the spare room. This is where I found him:

He is leaving my room on his own. He's exploring and having adventures. He is the Flapjack to my Kunckles. ADVENTURE!
He has also handled the other cats fantasticly. Brody was sitting in the hallway and Staalsy walked right up to him, sniffed noses and walked away. He didn't hiss or growl, he just went "eh" and walked away. He's making so much progress and it really makes me excited.
I was worried on Friday if this was going to work. Tipper hasn't been the nicest host thus far and constantly tries to start stuff. I'm still worried about it but Tipper is getting a bit better. In the back of my mind, I know that if it comes down to it and they don't get along there is a no kill shelter in the county that has a room of FIV+ cats that are beyond well taken care of. I hope, with all my heart, that it never comes to that. I honestly don't think it will but it is one of those things that I have to think about a lot.
In the meantime, Staalsy makes progress with his family...and we make progress with him.
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