First things first: Simba ended up not going to the vet. We switched her food so she's eating now and she is walking around like a boss. I'm pretty sure the amount of snow/cold is getting to her old bones. We'll see how she is in the Spring.
Onto Staalsy business! We had more snow/ice on Wednesday and Staalsy ran out of my room because he's become really comfortable with the rest of the house. The others were out in the living room sleeping in front of the fire. Staalsy walked up to Taylor to sniff him, no malice or anger on Staalsy's behalf. Taylor, however, decided he'd about had it and 'attacked' Staalsy. Staalsy attempted to run and hide behind me. I scooped Staalsy up and brought him back into my room. He never hissed or growled or took his claws out. He was completely dolice to Naughty McNaughtypants (Taylor's nickname following the situation) and I'm proud of him.
He likes to be in the living room with all of us now. He'll play with the laser pointer or toy mice or whatever else you toss at him. He is just so happy and adorable.
Here are some Staalsy photos from the past few days as a "I'm sorry I failed at updating for awhile there" peace offering.

I've been thinking about it for awhile and I'm pretty sure that I'll end up doing it but I'm going to make Staalsy charms and sell them on my Etsy/at Shows. Half of the money of sales of said charm would go to the SPCA. It's something I've thought about from day one. Aside from that, I've made a picture of Staalsy in cartoon form. I'll leave you with the image for now. Until next time.
So cute!!! I'm not jealous of your snow... I want WARMTH!!!! WWAAAAARRRRRMMMTH!!!